I met a couple of Duke's long-time fans, Suzie and Ci Ci, and filled them in on the status of James and Nancy (of which I knew nothing). Why do I suddenly feel like this has turned into a gossip column? Saturday was super-packed, and I had a chance to meet the owner of Kingson Mines, Doc. What a great guy. I picked up one of his son Frank's CDs, and we listened to it on the way home. Good stuff, Frank!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Kingston Mines 12/26/08 & 12/27/08
Bill, Brian and I backed up Duke this weekend in Chicago. I was fairly busy Friday. I didn't know what to expect since it was the day after Christmas. My wife came with us and took about 300 pictures of the band! About 20 of those were pre-beers, but since she's a pro, almost all of them were great.
I met a couple of Duke's long-time fans, Suzie and Ci Ci, and filled them in on the status of James and Nancy (of which I knew nothing). Why do I suddenly feel like this has turned into a gossip column? Saturday was super-packed, and I had a chance to meet the owner of Kingson Mines, Doc. What a great guy. I picked up one of his son Frank's CDs, and we listened to it on the way home. Good stuff, Frank!

I met a couple of Duke's long-time fans, Suzie and Ci Ci, and filled them in on the status of James and Nancy (of which I knew nothing). Why do I suddenly feel like this has turned into a gossip column? Saturday was super-packed, and I had a chance to meet the owner of Kingson Mines, Doc. What a great guy. I picked up one of his son Frank's CDs, and we listened to it on the way home. Good stuff, Frank!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Bob & Tom 12/24/08
Bob, Tom, Chick and Kristi were on vacation this week, so Duke, Mark and I performed "Lord Help Our Colts" on the air with Gunner. I spaced bringing my camera, but next week will be Gunner, too. I'll post a pic then...
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Speedway Daycare Staff Party 12/22/08
Bill Ritter and I performed for the staff of Speedway daycare for their holiday party. We played a bunch of Christmas songs and then ate fondue. Most gigs could be vastly improved if only there were fondue involved.
Monday, December 22, 2008
7th & 8th Church Service 12/21/08
The church service began and ended with Bill Ritter and I performing Christmas songs for the congregation.
We set up at the front of the church, and performed for about a total of half an hour. The people at 7th & 8th are always so nice to us. Thanks to all for having us in again this Christmas!
We set up at the front of the church, and performed for about a total of half an hour. The people at 7th & 8th are always so nice to us. Thanks to all for having us in again this Christmas!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Zydeco's 12/20/08
The Christmas show at Zydeco's was great! Mojo Gumbo was performing downstairs tonight, while Brian Yarde (on drums) and Jack Joseph (on bass) and I performed upstairs.
Jack sang his best on "Moondance" and the crowd went wild. Jack was so good on vocals, Brian had to stop drumming for a second to gather himself. Mike Brown from Mojo Gumbo came up and played three tunes on piano, while I played drums and Brian played bass.
We sold a bunch of CD for stocking stuffers, and had a great time!

Jack sang his best on "Moondance" and the crowd went wild. Jack was so good on vocals, Brian had to stop drumming for a second to gather himself. Mike Brown from Mojo Gumbo came up and played three tunes on piano, while I played drums and Brian played bass.
We sold a bunch of CD for stocking stuffers, and had a great time!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Howl At The Moon 12/19/08
Friday, December 19, 2008
Zydeco's 12/18/08
My wife and I celebrated our 5th anniversary tonight at Zydeco's (while I played a gig). I'm such a bad husband. I should've taken her out without me performing in the middle of dinner. We had fun, although there was no crowd, due to poor weather.
Deb sang Santa Baby with us, and this time had the words taped to the back of her hand. Awesome.
Thanks, Christine, for being the coolest wife ever. You rock way harder than I ever could!

Deb sang Santa Baby with us, and this time had the words taped to the back of her hand. Awesome.
Thanks, Christine, for being the coolest wife ever. You rock way harder than I ever could!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Static Shack 12/17/08
I went in to the studio after Bob & Tom with Duke to record a quick piano thing for one of the football songs he writes. They have the best display of Tom's head ever! Check out the picture...
Bob & Tom 12/17/08
Duke had Mark and I come in early to perform his holiday classic, "It's Christmas (Let's Have Sex)". Kristi Lee prvided backing vocals and limited sleigh bells. The song will be on the TV broadcast on Thursday.
Mark gave another true life story from the world of bass players in this week's edition of Bass Talk:
"A bass player goes to his doctor because he wasn't feeling good. His doctor examins him and says he thinks the bass player may have had a curse placed on him, and advised him to seek out a witch doctor. In the bass player's travels, he finds a witch doctor and asks for his help. The witch doctor says he can only help if he hears the exact wording of the original curse. The bass player thinks for a minute and says, "I don't know how it began, but I'm pretty sure it ended with 'I now pronouce you man and wife."
Mark gave another true life story from the world of bass players in this week's edition of Bass Talk:
"A bass player goes to his doctor because he wasn't feeling good. His doctor examins him and says he thinks the bass player may have had a curse placed on him, and advised him to seek out a witch doctor. In the bass player's travels, he finds a witch doctor and asks for his help. The witch doctor says he can only help if he hears the exact wording of the original curse. The bass player thinks for a minute and says, "I don't know how it began, but I'm pretty sure it ended with 'I now pronouce you man and wife."
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Speedway United Methodist Church 12/16/08
Bill and I performed while the parents were being seated before the kids took the stage at the Christmas Show at Speedway United Methodis Church Childcare. We ran through about a half-hour worth of Christmas music, and then the kids did their show.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Zydeco's 12/13/08
Duke Tumatoe and Brian Yarde joined Bill Ritter and I at Zydeco's for a special show tonight. People were loving it! Duke and Deb faced off and had several discussions, Deb got Brian drunk, and I played Santa Baby for Deb to sing. I have no idea what Deb and Bill did, but I'm sure she didn't ignore Bill.
Thanks goes out to Duke and Brian for making this such a fun sho
Thanks goes out to Duke and Brian for making this such a fun sho
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Howl At The Moon 12/12/08
Brian, Bill and I had a good time at Howl in downtown Indy tonight. People, as always at Howl, were slow to get into the show, but soon became very involved. Example: right after we played a Christmas tune, someone in the back stood up and yelled "BIRTHDAY!!!", so we natually sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.
I also figured out what the band slogan will be. How about this:
"Dan Holmes Group; playing songs you don't like so often, you will like them."
I like it.

I also figured out what the band slogan will be. How about this:
"Dan Holmes Group; playing songs you don't like so often, you will like them."
I like it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Zydeco's 12/11/08
Bill and I played to a bunch of corpses tonight at Zydeco's. There was a brief moment where I thought we were bringing them back to life, but as it turned out, they don't come back to life quite right. It's like a zombie movie where all they want is to eat your brains. Or maybe it's more like Flatliners, where they come back only to have their worst nightmares (us, apparently) haunt them. Better yet, like Frankenstien's monster, where we jolt them back from the dead only to have them turn on us and throw a small girl down a well.
Okay, so maybe no small kids were harmed, but boy, were they lifeless tonight. I think I made my point.
Okay, so maybe no small kids were harmed, but boy, were they lifeless tonight. I think I made my point.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bob & Tom 12/10/08
We had a great time on Bob & Tom today. I brought in a keyboard with some better sounds than my other one, and Tom had me perform some Fender Rhodes sounds while they did a Rodney Barrett spoof. I thought Duke was going to pass out from laughing so hard.
The NFL song made it to the TV show, so Mark, Duke and I were seen in Hi-Def Thursday night. I watched it in my studio and it made me realize that I wore the same shirt yesterday and today. It's okay, thought. It was mostly clean.
The NFL song made it to the TV show, so Mark, Duke and I were seen in Hi-Def Thursday night. I watched it in my studio and it made me realize that I wore the same shirt yesterday and today. It's okay, thought. It was mostly clean.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Zydeco's 12/7/08
Brunch once again found Bill and I at Zydeco's in Mooresville, IN. 11a came earlier than usual due to the fact we didn't get home and unloaded until 4:30a. Still, we made it and played to all the brunchers this morning with no problems.
We had a chance to perform some of our Christmas music, and people were happy. Deb did not sing Santa Baby, though. Alas...
We had a chance to perform some of our Christmas music, and people were happy. Deb did not sing Santa Baby, though. Alas...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Indiana Live Casino 12/6/08
My wife showed up to suprise me tonight! She usually dosen't get to make it out to shows because of her job, so it was a treat to have her out. Brian sounded his best yet on the electric drums. I'm sure it was a pain for him to do three nights on them, but he pulled it off.
We did the same schedule as last night with us opening for ourselves. Another 8p-2a gig, but this time, we had to load out after the show in 18 degree Indiana winter. Brrrrrr...
We did the same schedule as last night with us opening for ourselves. Another 8p-2a gig, but this time, we had to load out after the show in 18 degree Indiana winter. Brrrrrr...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Indiana Live Casino 12/5/08
We pulled a double tonight at the casino. Originally, DHG was to perform at Howl At The Moon, but things worked out to be DHG opening for Duke Tumatoe (backed by DHG). We performed two hours before Duke took the stage, and then performed four more hours with Duke. Marathon gig!
The folks at the casino were great and took care of us all night. Brian was able to use a couple of his own cymbals with the electric drums, so they sounded much better tonight. Gary Brewer showed up and took this picture for us. Thanks Gary!
The folks at the casino were great and took care of us all night. Brian was able to use a couple of his own cymbals with the electric drums, so they sounded much better tonight. Gary Brewer showed up and took this picture for us. Thanks Gary!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Indiana Live Casino 12/4/08
We made our way to Shelbyville, IN to perform with Duke at the casino tonight. We were a little nervous about the setup before we got there, but the gig went very smooth. The unusual thing about it is that Brian has to play the electric drums supplied by the house. He was uncomfortable at first, but he made it through.
We were under the blue thing hanging from the ceiling in the above picture. The only thing that got old after a while was the constant hum of all the machines ringing at the same time. It was like being in Phillip Glass' nightmares. We figured out that it plays a C Major chord.

We were under the blue thing hanging from the ceiling in the above picture. The only thing that got old after a while was the constant hum of all the machines ringing at the same time. It was like being in Phillip Glass' nightmares. We figured out that it plays a C Major chord.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Bob & Tom 12/3/08
For some reason, my keyboard wasn't coming through the air today. I had to use the speakers on my keyboard to be heard. Tom had me play some light jazz while he spoke like a DJ he'd heard years ago.
Mark had this Bass Talk joke:
A bass player was sitting on the couch with his wife and son. His son looks up at the woman and asks, "Mom, who did I get my intellegence from?"
The woman quickly replied, "You got it from your father."
The boy asked, "How do you know?"
The woman said without pausing, "Because I still have mine."
Mark had this Bass Talk joke:
A bass player was sitting on the couch with his wife and son. His son looks up at the woman and asks, "Mom, who did I get my intellegence from?"
The woman quickly replied, "You got it from your father."
The boy asked, "How do you know?"
The woman said without pausing, "Because I still have mine."
Monday, December 1, 2008
Geist Church 11/30/08
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Geist Church 11/29/08
I have never been so nervous in all of my professional performing career as I was today. I showed up to find myself in a new building, with new musicians, using a new in-ear monitoring system, playing new songs on a keyboard rig which was uncomfortable (standing rather than sitting, with the pedal under my left foot instead of my right), with people being let go from the gig while the clock ticked down to start time. I don't make excuses for when I perform something badly, but I think the deck was stacked against me this time. My heart was racing for almost an hour after the service, and I don't think I'll be able to sleep much tonight.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Howl At The Moon 11/28/08
Vincent Finnell joined Bill Ritter and I as we played happy hour indowntown Indy tonight. It wasn't very crowded because the lighting of the tree downtown was tonight, as well as a Pacer's Game and the high school football state something-or-other at the Lucas Oil Stadium. The people trickled in, and by the time we were finishing, the place was pretty full. Vince played because Brian is out of town this week. Thanks Vince!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Key Palace 11/26/08
Gary Brewer filled in once again for Brian Yarde, who will be out of town until next week. When Gary arrived at the show, he told us he was pulled over on the way to the gig. Despite the fact that he spent more than he earned toinght, Gary kept out great, and we all had a fun night. Charlie Noble was a blast to listen to, as always. He has jokes most bassist are ashamed to tell!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Bob & Tom 11/26/08
Da nah nah nah nah nah, you say it's Chick's Birthday,
Da nah nah nah nah nah, it's my Birthday too, yeah.
Other than it being my (and Chick's) birthday, nothing was different about today. We did both songs, plus the same Ball State song we performed last week. It all went well, and Mark and I went out for our usual cup of joe afterwards. Thanks Mark!
Bass Talk:
A bass player, a lawyer and a preacher go hunting together one day. After a while of not seeing anything, they decide to split up and try to scare something out. Sure enough, a hugh buck jumped out from a bush and all three men fired at the same time. Upon inspecting the buck the lawyer says, "Great, there's only one shot. One of us got him, but we'll never know which one of us."
The bass player says, "I can tell just by looking at the wound, it was the preacher who shot it."
The lawyer says, "Really? How can you tell that just by looking at the wound?"
The bass player said, "It was the preacher's alright. It went in one ear and out the other."
Da nah nah nah nah nah, it's my Birthday too, yeah.
Other than it being my (and Chick's) birthday, nothing was different about today. We did both songs, plus the same Ball State song we performed last week. It all went well, and Mark and I went out for our usual cup of joe afterwards. Thanks Mark!
Bass Talk:
A bass player, a lawyer and a preacher go hunting together one day. After a while of not seeing anything, they decide to split up and try to scare something out. Sure enough, a hugh buck jumped out from a bush and all three men fired at the same time. Upon inspecting the buck the lawyer says, "Great, there's only one shot. One of us got him, but we'll never know which one of us."
The bass player says, "I can tell just by looking at the wound, it was the preacher who shot it."
The lawyer says, "Really? How can you tell that just by looking at the wound?"
The bass player said, "It was the preacher's alright. It went in one ear and out the other."
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Four D's Bar 11/22/08
We saw the sunrise as we were falling asleep. We woke up just a few hours later, got in the car and drove. After a couple hours, we stopped at Iowa 80 A.K.A. The World's Largest Truckstop. We drove until the sun went down. Ft. Wayne, Indiana, is about eight-and-a-half hours away from Des Moines. It's okay, though. It only feels like sixteen hours.
The gig was fine, although they had a fog machine and lasers going all night. Gary Brewer was still filling in for Brian. We left at about 2:45am and drove two more hours home. Ugg.

The gig was fine, although they had a fog machine and lasers going all night. Gary Brewer was still filling in for Brian. We left at about 2:45am and drove two more hours home. Ugg.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Blues On Grand 11/21/08
Bill Ritter and I left for Des Moines, Iowa at about 1:00pm when we got a call that the music store we both work at had a car crash through the front of the building! We stopped on our way out of town to see the damage. Luckily, no one was hurt, and it seems like insurance will take care of the mess.
So we got on the road (after stopping at the Music Station) at about 1:45pm, and drove. And drove. And drove. And drove. After we hit Peoria, IL, we drove some more. We arrived at the club at 10:00pm (9:00pm Iowa time) and played to a very fun crowd. Gary Brewer filled in for Brian Yarde on drums this weekend, and did a great job. Blues On Grand is a cool club, but it's just so very far from everything.
We stayed in the Fort Des Moines Hotel, which was very nice, got a couple hours sleep and then, yep, you guessed it.
We drove.

So we got on the road (after stopping at the Music Station) at about 1:45pm, and drove. And drove. And drove. And drove. After we hit Peoria, IL, we drove some more. We arrived at the club at 10:00pm (9:00pm Iowa time) and played to a very fun crowd. Gary Brewer filled in for Brian Yarde on drums this weekend, and did a great job. Blues On Grand is a cool club, but it's just so very far from everything.
We stayed in the Fort Des Moines Hotel, which was very nice, got a couple hours sleep and then, yep, you guessed it.
We drove.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Slippery Noodle Inn 11/20/08
Duke called me about this gig two weeks ago. I told everybody I knew that we would be playing in downtown Indy (our hometown) because we very rarley play here. Then I found out it was a private event for Republic Trash Service. So the hour or two before the show I spent on the phone calling everyone to let them know not to come.
The show went fine, except it was a corporate party, which means nobody was there to listen to music, only to network. We went home a little disappointed, but very full, because Bill Brian and I ate at the Spaghetti Factory before the show.
The show went fine, except it was a corporate party, which means nobody was there to listen to music, only to network. We went home a little disappointed, but very full, because Bill Brian and I ate at the Spaghetti Factory before the show.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Howl At The Moon 11/19/08
Tod, Nate, Nick and I performed to a half full room at the downtown Indy dueling piano bar tonight. We had a good time, and I had a chance to see Nick's new guitar. He's learning how to rock it and soon, he'll be playing it as well as he plays piano. I also got a chance to see the "tree house" in the backroom for the first time tonight.
They built a staircase leading to over their storage room, so the players have somewhere to go during breaks. Pretty cool.
They built a staircase leading to over their storage room, so the players have somewhere to go during breaks. Pretty cool.
Bob & Tom 11/19/08
Duke, Mark and I performed three songs today. Besides the two regulars, Duke wrote a catchy song for the fans at Ball State. I was a little tired (due to jury duty lasting 14 hours the day before), but all-in-all it was a fun show today.
Mark told this bass talk joke:
A bass player was driving home from a gig when he was pulled over. The officer came up to the bass player's window and asked him to take a breathalizer test. The bass player said he couldn't do it, and when the officer asked why, the bass player said, "Because I have bad asthma, and it would bring on an attack."
So the officer asked him to go down to the station to take a blood test. The bass player said he couldn't do it, and when the officer asked why, the bass player said, "Because I'm a hemophiliac, and I wouldn't stop bleeding."
Then the officer asked him for a urine sample. The bass player said he couldn't do it, and when the officer asked why, the bass player said, "Because I have a UTI and it would be far too painful for me to give a sample."
The officer then asked the bass player to step out of the car to walk a straight line. The bass player said he couldn't do it, and when the officer asked why, the bass player said, "Because I'm too drunk."
Mark told this bass talk joke:
A bass player was driving home from a gig when he was pulled over. The officer came up to the bass player's window and asked him to take a breathalizer test. The bass player said he couldn't do it, and when the officer asked why, the bass player said, "Because I have bad asthma, and it would bring on an attack."
So the officer asked him to go down to the station to take a blood test. The bass player said he couldn't do it, and when the officer asked why, the bass player said, "Because I'm a hemophiliac, and I wouldn't stop bleeding."
Then the officer asked him for a urine sample. The bass player said he couldn't do it, and when the officer asked why, the bass player said, "Because I have a UTI and it would be far too painful for me to give a sample."
The officer then asked the bass player to step out of the car to walk a straight line. The bass player said he couldn't do it, and when the officer asked why, the bass player said, "Because I'm too drunk."
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Knickerbocker 11/15/08
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