Triple Crown in San Marcos, TX was the site tonight of a two-band show, consisting of opening act Ashley Monical, then the Fine Fellows took the stage to perform DanHolmesGroup material! Ashley and her band sounded great, and it was nice to hear another good act from the area. We took the stage and ran though about an hour-and-a-half worth of tunes, and each song felt better than the one before it. Kevin is still playing some impressive bass, and Ian sang along with most of his guitar notes tonight. Chris had the laser-focus of a cheetah strapped to a missile with its guidance system set to funk, which was fantastic to listen to!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Triple Crown 1/29/13
Triple Crown in San Marcos, TX was the site tonight of a two-band show, consisting of opening act Ashley Monical, then the Fine Fellows took the stage to perform DanHolmesGroup material! Ashley and her band sounded great, and it was nice to hear another good act from the area. We took the stage and ran though about an hour-and-a-half worth of tunes, and each song felt better than the one before it. Kevin is still playing some impressive bass, and Ian sang along with most of his guitar notes tonight. Chris had the laser-focus of a cheetah strapped to a missile with its guidance system set to funk, which was fantastic to listen to!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Jack's Roadhouse 1/28/13
Well, it was a little slow at Jack's tonight, but we still performed like there were 1,000 people there with us. Kevin Humphrey showed his bass skills again, and he's doing great with the band. Ian Lee had some great tones with his new guitar rig, and Chris Wallis made sure we all stayed in time! We had a chance tonight to run through a couple of new tunes, and they came out well.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
AJ's Ale House MF 1/26/13
Chris Wallis and I took care of the request show in Marble Falls, TX last night, and we played half a dozen tunes I'd never attempted before. Everything from "White Room" to "Sex On Fire" was requested, and we played them. There were a couple of birthdays in the house, so we had some fun with them as well. On a side note, my car rolled over to 200,000 miles on my way home! That's a lot of gigging!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
AJ's Ale House NB 1/25/13
Mikey Gammon drummed the drums while I helped the folks with their requests. Mikey is always fun to perform with. His energy level is through the roof, and the crowd loves him! I had several people tell me I was their favorite piano player EVER! I laughed and said thank you and then played the requests they wanted to hear! Fun, fun, fun in New Braunfels, TX!
Friday, January 25, 2013
AJ's Ale House NB 1/24/13
Joe Resnick (drums) and I performed in New Braunfels, TX tonight. We did our request show for the good folks, and they loved it! Tunes from the '50s though today were requested, and we tried to play them all. Joe sounded great on classics like "In The Air Tonight" and really every other tune we played. I'll head back to AJ's tomorrow night, so I'll see you there!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Jack's Roadhouse 1/21/13
I have to start this blog entry with some praise for our newest member, Kevin Humphrey on bass. This was his second show with DHG, and he has really stepped up to the plate! I'm enjoying having a good bassist again. Ian and Chris, of course, always make the gig fun with their respective talents. I'm once again looking forward to performing and recording with these guys as much as possible!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Fratelli's Ristorante 1/19/13
Heather Ray and I performed a Howl At The Moon Piano-Show-To-Go event tonight in Houston, TX for the folks at AECOM. It was held in a delicious Italian restaurant, and the staff treated us great. The crowd requested everything from "Come Sail Away" to "You Got What I Need" and everything in between. Everyone seemed very pleased with the show, and many people told me they'd like to have us back for their next event!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
AJ's Ale House MF 1/18/13
Tonight's show in Marble Falls, TX was a big success! We had a great crowd, and they made for a fun show. Joe Resnick drummed away all night while simultaneously remembering every woman's name in the club. Neat trick. They're seemed to be an abundance of '80s tunes requested, so we got our new wave on tonight. Thanks to the great crowd for singing and dancing all night long with us!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Gruene Hall 1/17/13
The Hill Country Gentlemen had our first show at the legendary Gruene Hall tonight, and it was fantastic! The place was packed with folks out to have a good time. We had quite a few dancers, and we sold tons of CDs and T-Shirts. Pete and Jeremiah really locked in to each other, so it made Kevin, Troy and my jobs much easier. Thank you to everyone for being so supportive of our Gruene Hall debut!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Triple Crown 1/16/13
Tonight, for my second night at Triple Crown this week, I joined the Hill Country Gentlemen for some good folky country! We had a couple of opening acts before we took the stage at 11p to play for an appreciative crowd. Kevin, Troy, Jeremiah and Pete all sounded good tonight as we tried some new covers in the set. I'll be performing with the Gents again tomorrow night at Gruene Hall!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Triple Crown 1/15/13
Fine Fellows performed our first show with new bassist Kevin Humphrey tonight in San Marcos, TX! He sounded great, and the band felt really good. It has been a little while since Fine Fellows last show, and it felt like only yesterday. Chris Wallis kept things funky on the drums while Ian Lee sang his songs. Also joining us at the Triple Crown were the Sniffs, and they did a great set before we took the stage!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Jack's Roadhouse 1/14/13
Ian Lee, Chris "Clean-Shaven" Wallis, and I were joined in San Marcos tonight by Kevin Humphrey on bass! Kevin did a fantastic job, especially considering we didn't have time for a rehearsal with him before tonight's show. We had dancers and tippers for the whole evening, and I had a great time. I'm so glad to have a good bassist performing with us again. It really frees me up to concentrate on my singing and solos. Kevin will join us for DHG gigs as well as Fine Fellows performances.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Rainbird Party 1/13/13
I joined up with Rob Roy Parnell to perform a private birthday show for a fan of his in Wimberley tonight. We were scheduled to perform outside, but it looked like rain, so they moved us under cover of their garage. I had a great time performing some Texas blues with some great musicians! Chris Wallis played drums, Pat Whitefield was on bass, Ralph "Coffeeboy" Ibarra played one guitar and Johnny Moeller was on the other guitar. This was my first time working with Johnny, and it was my pleasure!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Westchase Marriott 1/11/13
Tonight, Ryan Teter and I performed a Howl At The Moon Piano-Show-To-Go dueling piano extravaganza for the Texas Dance Teachers party! Lots of folks just there to hang out and listen while they had a chance to unwind from their day. The show went well, and they told us afterwards how much they enjoyed us, so it was a success! Thanks, Ryan, for doing a great job!
Friday, January 11, 2013
AJ's Ale House NB 1/10/13
After my show last Saturday, I went home and collapsed with a sudden onset of the flu. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I was knocked down with a temperature and chills, while it tapered off Wednesday night. This morning, I woke up feeling like a new man! So, I headed down to New Braunfels, TX with Joe Resnick (who also spent the beginning of the week ill) to play some tunes. The club was dominated by a group returning from a funeral, so most of the requests were dedications and fairly subdued, but I believe people left a little happier than when they came in.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
AJ's Ale House NB 1/5/13
Packed house in New Braunfels, TX tonight with Chris Wallis and me. We had no less than four birthdays in the house! People were hitting us with tons of requests, and we were doing our very best to fulfill them all. We also had an amazing rock star table which made sure our piano always had requests on it! Thanks to everyone who danced throughout the night and sang along!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
AJ's Ale House MF 1/4/13
First official show of 2013 took place for me tonight in Marble Falls, TX with the amazing drummer, Chris Wallis! We played as many requests as humanly possible, and some were pretty unusual. One of the most interesting requests tonight was for "I Want You (She's So Heavy)". Thanks Chris, for making tonight a fun time!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
AJ's Ale House MF 12/31/12
Happy New Year! Joe Resnick and I rang it in in Marble Falls, TX tonight with a very enthusiastic crowd. We had the crowd on their feet and dancing from 2012 to 2013! It's been a very busy year with lots of challenges, but ultimately everything went well. My wonderful wife was with me tonight for a midnight kiss, and to remind me what a lucky guy I am. See everybody at some 2013 shows!
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