Live Band Karaoke was PACKED! Pancho joined Heather and I on stage in New Braunfels to back the many many many many many many many people who wanted to sing with us. So many people. Heather and I swapped instruments a couple times, and Pancho’s guitar sounded great! Did I mention there were many many many people there tonight?
Friday, December 31, 2021
Moonshine & Ale 12/30/21
Live Band Karaoke was PACKED! Pancho joined Heather and I on stage in New Braunfels to back the many many many many many many many people who wanted to sing with us. So many people. Heather and I swapped instruments a couple times, and Pancho’s guitar sounded great! Did I mention there were many many many people there tonight?
Friday, December 24, 2021
Moonshine & Ale 12/23/21
Pancho, Heather and I led the huge crowd through live band Karaoke in New Braunfels tonight. The place was packed, standing room only. Mid-way through the show, Heather and I swapped instruments, and we had a bunch of fun. It was a good time!
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Hostess House 12/19/22
Lampasas, TX, was where we had our 6th and final show of the past four days. Every song we played tonight had folks singing and dancing, and it was a treat watching the moves of kids from one to ninety-two. There is no one I’d rather be doing all of these shows with than Heather. Just like tonight, every show we do together goes so smoothly and great, that it doesn’t feel like work, even though we both work our butts off to bring our show to everyone!
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Private Party 12/18/21
We played a house party in Leander, TX, representing The Flying Ivories for our 2nd show today. It was a fun, high spirited, holiday event/birthday bash! We played from 7:30p-9:30p, and the party was still going strong as we packed up after playing three encores! Now heading home to get some rest before playing our 6th show of the weekend tomorrow in Lampasas.
Baa Baa Brewhouse 12/18/21
It was pouring during our entire drive to Brookshire, TX, and it didn’t stop until we were almost done with our two hour show! We performed our dueling pianos show, representing The Flying Ivories, from 1p-3p. It’s a cool room, and the people there were all really nice to us. As a bonus, my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew showed up to cheer us on!
Side note: Today is Christine and my anniversary! Love you, and I’ll see you after our 2nd show tonight.

Moonshine & Ale 12/17/21
Heather and I had a fantastic show in New Braunfels tonight! We had tons of new people all night long, and they were really into our show. One fella came up afterwards and told us that he’d been to two other places before stopping at our show, and he couldn’t stop raving about us. He said we were some of the best entertainment he’s ever seen, which made us feel so good! After our show, Heather’s fiancĂ© surprised her for their anniversary by showing up, all the way down from Ft Worth! It was great seeing him after our show!
Friday, December 17, 2021
Moot Music Cafe 12/17/21
That was one of the most ridiculous and fun livestreams I’ve done with Heather. Right from our first note, we were laughing about the “auto captions” which were popping up so bizarrely wrong as we were talking and singing! The tiny keytar made an appearance for “Last Christmas” which was supposed to be “This Christmas”, but I’ll wait to play it until Next Christmas. We had a slide whistle doing random melodies, and the melodica was used for “Don’t Stop Believin’”. Heather is truly a joy to work with, and I’ve had so much stress-relief playing with her through all of 2021. All I can sum up the year with is another random auto-caption from today: Oh, Jeff.
Moonshine & Ale 12/16/21
Live Band Karaoke in New Braunfels included myself on drums & keys, Heather on drums & keys, and Pancho on guitar. It was a little slow, but we still had a bunch of fun singers on stage with us! I love hanging out with friends on stage!
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Groove Labs Zoom 12/14/21
Groove Labs invited us back for another virtual event via Zoom this afternoon. It was for the Google CAT (counterabuse technology) team, and we had a hundred or more people watching and requesting songs. We played for an hour for our audience around the world. Thanks to Beth and her team for hosting us!
Live Stream 12/13/21
I’ve been watching The Beatles “Get Back” documentary on Disney+, and I got a wild hair to livestream on Facebook me playing the “Let It Be” album. I still took requests, so “Let It Be” now also contains “Eye Of The Tiger”.
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Primary Care Anywhere 12/11/21
I have lots of fun when I get to travel with Heather, and these past couple of weeks, we’ve really racked up the miles together! After our gig up in north Austin last night, we packed up and headed to Houston to get some sleep, then got up and drove to Vidor, TX, to play a private holiday party for health care workers. They served us a mashed potato buffet bar before bringing us lots of requests. We did tons of random mash-ups and Christmas tunes. After our show, we got back in the car and headed 4 hours home! Whew!
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Austin County Club 12/10/21
We took our dueling pianos show up to the Austin Country Club to perform for Lion Street Inc, where we were representing NY NY Dueling Pianos. We played requests while people enjoyed their food, and closed out the night by accompanying a gentleman through “Folsom Prison Blues”. Santa was there, and he gave me a flashlight & Heather a stuffed animal before tearing up the dance floor to “Jingle Bell Rock”!
Friday, December 10, 2021
Moonshine & Ale 12/9/21
Live Band Karaoke was packed! We had tons of people wanting to join us on stage, and we got up as many as we could. Heather, Pancho and I locked in and it relaxes me into the night very early on. We even played some songs which have been on the list since the beginning, but never have been sung!
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Wingate Conference Center 12/8/21
Today, I went back for my annual show for the Round Rock New Neighbors! The ladies are always so sweet to me, and I had fun performing for their luncheon. I never know what to expect, and today I had everything from Tom Waits to Christmas music to Bette Midler to The Cure. They helped me sing “Minnie the Moocher” and danced to YMCA. I left happy knowing all the women had such a great time!
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Groove Labs Zoom 12/7/21
We traveled to Austin, Texas, today for a mid-afternoon corporate event via Zoom from the stage in the Groove Labs warehouse. We performed three mini sets of around 10-15 minutes each during their event. Thanks to Beth at Groove Labs for having us, and we’re doing another one with her next Tuesday!
Sunday, December 5, 2021
The Astin Mansion 12/4/21
Congratulations to the newlyweds! We were so happy to perform at the reception for Calyn and Jim Caffman this evening in Bryan, TX. This was a gorgeous venue, and the weather was perfect to perform under the big tent in the backyard of the mansion. Their guests were so friendly and interactive when we started our show! I wish we could’ve played longer because they were so much fun!
This was a great conclusion to our crazy weekend consisting of 4 gigs in 3 days in 4 different cities on 5 hours of sleep both nights and logging more than 1,200 miles on my truck!

Saturday, December 4, 2021
Wellington Bank & Conference Center 12/3/21
Finally! After nearly two full years, we got to perform in Wichita Falls, TX, for the WFGI annual Christmas Party! Heather and I were confirmed for this show back in January of 2020 for December of 2020, but the world shut down, so it was moved to this year. It was a great group of doctors and nurses who had fun with our show, as well as games like “Hot Potato”. I hope they’ll have us back next year! We heard nothing but love from everyone who spoke to us. Now we’re in the car on our 5-hour journey to San Marcos to prep for a wedding tomorrow afternoon!
Friday, December 3, 2021
Seguin Bar & Billiards 12/2/21
Our second show on a busy Thursday night found us in Seguin, Texas. We set up for this show before we went and played our other show, with the help of our friend, Chris Wallis, and my wife, Christine helped with tear-down from the first show. After Heather and I finished our first show, we hustled about 30 minutes away to arrive in time to put on our three hour, nonstop request driven show! Now that we’re all done, we’re hitting the road up to Ft Worth to get some sleep before our show tomorrow night in Wichita Falls. What a busy weekend!
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Schertz Civic Center 12/2/21
We performed at a fundraiser in Schertz, Texas, tonight for SCUCISD Education Foundation. Our performance was from 6:30 PM to 9 PM, and when we finished not only did we get a standing ovation, but had lots of people from the crowd come up and tell us how amazed they were by what we do. It always makes me so happy win folks who have hired us for a private event end up so incredibly happy with what our show was!
Monday, November 29, 2021
On The Hook Podcast 11/29/21
I did something a little unusual today. I sat down on Zoom for an interview with Matt Wilson for his podcast “On The Hook”, which is something he started earlier this year to promote his book, “Hooks”. He wanted to pick my brain about the way I approach building and promoting my brand, including both AllRequestPiano and DanHolmesGroup. It was a great conversation, and we spoke for almost 2 hours! I’ll post a link to it when it becomes available. Also, a big congratulations to Matt for writing a book. That’s no small task!
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Roots 11/27/21
We played in Georgetown, Texas, to cap off our weekend gig schedule. We played everything tonight from a Aretha Franklin to Cyndi Lauper to Metallica, and that was literally just the first three songs of the night. It’s a really cool room, and the people are very nice there, which made the evening flyby. We got a chance to try their pizza for the first time tonight, and we both enjoyed it! Early on, I got a standing ovation, because one person standing and clapping counts, right? By the end of the night, as people were leaving, they made sure to tell us how much they enjoyed the show. My favorite compliment was, “You both are lyrical magicians!“ Hey… I’ll take it!
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Moonshine & Ale 11/26/21
Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh… You say it’s your birthday! Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh… It’s my birthday, too, yeah! Heather made my birthday gig in New Braunfels so much fun! She and I click so well, and the crowd had a great time listening to our music and making each other laugh. This has been an amazing birthday between what Heather and Christine did with me today, including gifts and pizza (before the gig) and a million laughs. I’m the luckiest!
Friday, November 26, 2021
Moonshine & Ale 11/25/21
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Heather and I joined up with Pancho for Live Band Karaoke for a special Thanksgiving show. There were several new singers joined us throughout the night, and people started wishing me happy birthday! I felt special!
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Moonshine & Ale 11/24/21
A Wednesday night show before Thanksgiving? Yes, please! Heather and I played to a packed room on this rainy night in New Braunfels. People went kinda crazy all night for our show, and we played with every ounce of energy we had from 8:30p til midnight. Heather was amazing, and we both will be back tomorrow for Live Band Karaoke!
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Rockey’s Piano Bar 11/20/21
Heather and I played a marathon show tonight in Round Rock, TX. The crowd was amazingly responsive from our very first note through the end of the night, and that made the owners of the venue want us to continue performing, so we blew past our normal end time of 12:30am all the way to 2am! 4.5 hours of non-stop music with Heather was invigorating. Did people ask us if we were married? Yes, of course, but it’s always because we have such an easy-going chemistry together, and that’s why I’m so happy getting to work with her!
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Rockin J Piano Bar 11/19/21
We made a new fan in the front row of our show tonight in Cedar Park, and he made it his mission to take bad photos of us and try to show us while we were playing, which was absolutely hilarious! These are some of the images he kindly text to me. Heather and I never get bored in this line of work! We had a great time with everyone at our show, and thanks to the great staff at Rockin J!
Friday, November 19, 2021
Moonshine & Ale 11/18/21
We played for Live Band Karaoke again this evening, and our buddy Chris Wallis stopped in to play a few songs with us! Heather, Pancho and I continued our show after Chris left the stage, and I only felt slightly intimidated playing drums all night in front of Chris. I wasn’t a super busy night, but we still had a bunch of fun with people from all over the world, including folks from Brazil and Germany!
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Rockin J Piano Bar 11/13/21
We capped off our crazy day with a 3-hour show in Cedar Park. We drove straight from gig #1 in Temple to this 2nd show with 20 minutes to spare. We had some of the most unusual requests tonight I’ve seen. My favorite was when, with no warning, Heather launched headlong into “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious“ and the crowd clapped along through the whole thing! I made a couple really happy by playing Led Zeppelin’s “All Of My Love”. Made me happy, too!
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Lion Sam Farrow Amphitheater 11/13/21
Tonight, we played a private event for healthcare providers and educators in Temple, Texas. They sang loud and applauded vigorously during the cold night. Heather and I bundled up and played lots of appropriate songs like “Frozen”. The people were really nice to us, and I hope it becomes a regular event. After our last note at 8p, we left the gear tear down for my wife Christine, and my good buddy Kevin Humphrey so Heather and I could make it to our 2nd show of the night in Cedar Park at 9:30p!
Moonshine & Ale 11/12/21
The Wurstfest crowd populated Moonshine & Ale tonight, and it was a bunch of fun! We had a crazy amount of requests. Heather and I had several groups in to see us, including some Live Band Karaoke friends, some people who only come to town a couple times a year, and some people who we played their wedding reception back in April! I hope other people have as much fun at work as I do, but I somehow doubt that’s possible.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Moot Music Cafe 11/12/21
Our monthly online livestream on Moot went great today! We played our usual 2p-4p Central Time to world-wide fans and friends. It’s amazing how technology has allowed us recently to be able to perform live for people in so many other places around the globe simultaneously. Heather played “Amish Paradise” and I rocked through “Stairway To Heaven”, plus all kinds of other tunes. It means a lot to the people who jump on the feed and then support our show with Venmo or PayPal, but it’s just as important that we’re making people happy! Thanks, Moot!!!
Moonshine & Ale 11/11/21
Heather and I joined up with Pancho in New Braunfels for Live Band Karaoke tonight and it was PACKED. Wurstfest is happening there (which is a two-week long Octoberfest-type event) so people showed up a little more than tipsy. I even wore my finest Wurstfest hat! We kept the singers rotating all evening and reminded everyone that Heather and I would be back tomorrow for piano bar!
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Roots 11/6/21
Tonight we played in Georgetown, TX, for our first-ever show at Roots. I really enjoyed the room and overall ambiance. The crowd and staff were enthusiastic about our show, which made us beam! I’m happy to have this new room in our future! I’ll post some pictures of our next show. I wish I had one from tonight. The only picture I got tonight in the venue was this hilarious selfie that I sent to Heather as a joke. Joke’s on me because my GoPro had nothing to contribute.
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