We played in downtown San Marcos, TX, last night for our fans at Sean Patrick’s. Our monthly show is usually the last Friday of the month from 7p-10p, and last night by 8p, we had lots of people bringing us requests. Some of the requests were really unusual, and many first-time requests. “Breaking The Law” by Judas Priest, “China Girl” by David Bowie, and “Tangerine” by Led Zeppelin are just a few examples of some of the more unusual songs we had requested. We’ll be back at the end of January!
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Sean Patrick’s Irish Pub 12/30/22
We played in downtown San Marcos, TX, last night for our fans at Sean Patrick’s. Our monthly show is usually the last Friday of the month from 7p-10p, and last night by 8p, we had lots of people bringing us requests. Some of the requests were really unusual, and many first-time requests. “Breaking The Law” by Judas Priest, “China Girl” by David Bowie, and “Tangerine” by Led Zeppelin are just a few examples of some of the more unusual songs we had requested. We’ll be back at the end of January!
Friday, December 30, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 12/29/22
Live Band Karaoke was packed tonight in New Braunfels, TX! Anthony joined Heather and I to back up all the vocalists. I did find out tonight that Anthony really likes “Jaws IV”, which explains a lot.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 12/28/22
One of my favorite things to do at our shows is make Heather laugh! We played a rare Wednesday night show in New Braunfels, and I was in a great mood. I have no idea what I said all night, but I kept watching the crowd and Heather laugh at my random thoughts. It is so great to be heard sometimes! I love my job.
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Moonshine Drinkery 12/23/22
Merry Christmas! Heather and I spent the evening in Victoria, TX, with fans and friends at Moonshine Drinkery. We took cookies in for the staff, and some truly thoughtful gifts were given to us. Once the show kicked off, we had some pretty amazingly varied and unusual requests. “Dog Days Are Over” by Florence + the Machine, “Arthur’s Theme” by Christopher Cross, “Alone” by Heart, and “Putting On The Ritz” by Tico are just a few examples of the wildly varied song requests we had tonight. My day started off rough, but Heather and the awesome staff at the club lifted my spirits. I hope everyone has a good holiday weekend!
Friday, December 23, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 12/22/22
It was in the 20s when we arrived in. New Braunfels for Live Band Karaoke! We had a completely full house, and Heather kept the singers flowing up to the stage from behind her drums. Anthony was on guitar and I played keys, and the crowd was in great holiday spirits. I hope everyone has a great Christmas! We will be in Victoria, TX, tomorrow night for our final holiday show of ‘22!
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 12/17/22
There were a couple people filming our show tonight in New Braunfels for promotional use for Moonshine & Ale tonight, and Heather and I did our best to give them good footage! Noel joined us on drums, and he also brought his sax to play for a couple tunes. He is a very talented musician, and Heather and I were glad to share the stage with him tonight. Thank you to everyone who cheered so loud for us, and I’m so grateful to have a partner like Heather to share these events with!
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 12/16/22
What a crazy night! It was once again packed in the club, and we had tons of requests. Best/Oddest request of the night had to be “Martha My Dear”, which oddly, the crowd loved every note of! I didn’t know how it would go over, but everyone was just there to have a hot time on a cold night. It was in the 40s and windy, and Heather and I agree (after seeing an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction in the parking lot) that if you’re going to wear a miniskirt when it’s windy, you probably should wear underwear.
Friday, December 16, 2022
Moot Music Cafe 12/16/22
We had a bunch of fun on Facebook today as we live-streamed on Moot and simultaneously on our AllRequestPiano page. We had a bunch of people on both pages, and many great song requests. Heather’s parents were watching on one page about the same time my parents tuned into the other page! I hope everyone enjoyed the show as much as we did, and happiest of holidays to all!
Moonshine & Ale 12/15/22
Moonshine & Ale was full tonight of people wanting to sing with us at Live Band Karaoke. We accommodate as many people as time would allow for, and tried our best to keep the show moving to get up the most people before we ended at midnight. Pancho sounded great on guitar, and Heather sang lots of great background harmonies with everyone while playing piano. Heather and I will be back at Moonshine & Ale both Friday and Saturday nights for piano bar this weekend!
Sunday, December 11, 2022
House Concert 12/11/22
We performed at a house Christmas party tonight in San Marcos! Wayne and his friends had a get-together and we had the pleasure of leading them through Christmas carol sing-alongs. They were a fun group to perform for, and we found out a couple people there knew us from other venues! We had a great time, and loved their puppers, Mika and River.
Victoria Country Club 12/10/22
Mac Haik Ford in Victoria, TX, had us come perform for their holiday party tonight. We took a picture in the photo booth they had set up before it was our turn to take requests. They gave us lots songs to play through, and we had them singing along! Their team seemed to be a great bunch of people, and everyone was really great to us. We hope they’ll have us back for future events!
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Lakeway Resort & Spa 12/9/22
For our second show of the day, we headed to Lakeway, TX, to perform for JMT’s holiday party. They all had a good time with us as we ran through requests ranging from Frank Sinatra to Brittney Spears. I’m so happy we got a room full of engineers to feel comfortable enough to dance with us! Before we began, they had a character artist there, so Heather and I had him do one of us.
Friday, December 9, 2022
Groove Labs 12/9/22
Today, we have two shows. We set up for our evening show in Lakeway, TX, before heading about an hour away to Groove Labs in Austin for a virtual show for a company named Homeward. We’re about to begin about an hour long performance before we head back to our evening show in Lakeway. We’re meeting ourselves coming and going today! Thank to Beth at Groove Labs for including us in their final livestream of the year.
Moonshine & Ale 12/8/22
Katie Pederson was the new player we worked with tonight in New Braunfels! Pancho, Heather and I joined her in welcoming all the various singers up for Live Band Karaoke. She played piano while Pancho did his thing on guitar. Heather performed on bass and I drummed and called up the singers to the stage. It was a fun and busy night!
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Embassy Suites 12/3/22
Mechanical Reps Inc had us perform for their Christmas party in San Marcos, TX, tonight. We brought our dueling pianos show to them, and played “in the round” with their employees filling all sides of us. We had diverse requests, and played as many as time allowed! They have a good group of people at Mechanical Reps Inc!
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Jackson Street Coffee 12/2/22
Mark’s Machine invited us back to perform at their holiday party in El Campo, TX, tonight, and it was fun! They danced and sang with us, while we played their requests, and enjoyed themselves so much, they had us perform an extra hour tonight. When we first arrived, our friend Matthew from Greek Bros was there bringing in armloads of delicious food (like crawfish queso). We ate before the show, and then helped out with their prize giveaways all throughout the night. Thanks to everyone at Mark’s Machine, and also to Jackson Street Coffee for a great evening!
Friday, December 2, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 12/1/22
Wassail Fest was in full swing when Heather and I arrived tonight in New Braunfels! Anthony Sanders joined us on the guitar for his first Live Band Karaoke experience, and he did great. We had a full house all night, and Heather kept the show on track and guided us through all the songs people from the crowd wanted to sing. Thanks everyone for singing with us!
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Moonshine Drinkery 11/26/22
I was spoiled rotten tonight for my birthday! First, my wife gave me some fun and awesome gifts before it was time to leave to head to our show in Victoria, Texas. When I arrived at the gig, they had a banner and balloons up for me. Then, Heather gave me some fun stuff, and brought in cupcakes for everyone, and she got me a delicious patty melt from one of our favorite restaurants. When we walked over to the restaurant to pick up our food, we flew my drone over the newly painted crosswalks near the club for a cool shot.The staff at Moonshine Drinkery are all really cool people, and they surprised me with a personal sized cheesecake, then, had Heather lead everyone in singing to me. The show went great, and we made some new fans as well as some old friends in the crowd. We were happy to see our friend Megan show up and sit in the front row. It was a really great birthday!
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 11/25/22
It was busy in New Braunfels tonight. Heather and I played all the interesting and cool requests we got all night long. We had a full house almost from our first note, and I had so much fun sharing the stage with Heather!
Friday, November 25, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 11/24/22
My friends in New Braunfels, Sam and Brandon, brought me my very own cat keyboard tonight for my birthday! They are regulars at Live Band Karaoke, and it was great to have them and sister Sarah and momma Susan back together to sing on a happy Thanksgiving night!
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 11/23/22
Wednesday night before Thanksgiving is always a fun show at Moonshine & Ale! Lots of people brought us requests all night, and they sang with us during lots of songs. I love making Heather laugh all night, which always makes me happy! We’ll be back after our thanksgiving lunch to do Karaoke Thanksgiving night!
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Sean Patrick’s Irish Pub 11/18/22
Heather and I performed in San Marcos, TX, tonight. The place was hopping! We had a few birthdays and anniversaries in the house, and lots of fun requests. It’s great that we had a gig so close to home. We will be at Sean Patrick’s once a month, so keep a lookout for us!
Friday, November 18, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 11/17/22
Live Band Karaoke in New Braunfels went well tonight! It was a lighter crowd than usual, but still some great singers took the stage with us. Pancho, Heather and I even did a couple tunes as a band!
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Private Party 11/12/22
We met Mike and Jennifer (and their pups) at their home in Flower Mound, TX, tonight to play a party for their family and friends! We had a bunch of requests, and played everything from Frank Sinatra to Eminem. All their guests (and us) were well-fed and taken good care of. We both really enjoyed the night, and I’m always happy when a show like this pops up on our schedule. Thanks again to Mike and Jennifer for having us!

Saturday, November 12, 2022
Sidecar 11/11/22
Friday, November 11, 2022
Moot Music Cafe 11/11/22
We performed a live stream today on Moot’s Facebook page! Heather and I swapped between drums and piano for a couple hours. I love all the random requests we get online, and it’s cool to do a monthly show for Moot!
Moonshine & Ale 11/10/22
I played a little bass in New Braunfels tonight. It was my new Kala bass, and I loved playing it! Heather kept us all on track tonight, which was difficult because the place was packed with Wurstfest party goers. Pancho kept his guitar singing all night, and I was happy standing next to him while I played bass. We all met newcomer Missy Alcazari on the keys tonight, and she did great! It was a pleasure sharing the stage with this band!
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 11/5/22
I had a great time with Heather in New Braunfels tonight! This is the beginning of Wurstfest, so people were ready to party when we took the stage. Also, the Astros won the World Series, so that definitely helped the good mood! Doc joined us on drums, and it was a pleasure sharing the stage with him. We had people in the crowd who saw us last night in Cedar Park! It’s great to be loved!
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Rockin J Piano Bar 11/4/22
Cedar Park, Texas was fun tonight! Heather and I had lots of interesting requests like “Summer Highland Falls”, “Boogie Shoes”, and “Too Late For Goodbyes”. I love when we get a chance to play some unusual requests. Heather even stretched out into some Led Zeppelin! She rocked it!
Friday, November 4, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 11/4/22
Everyone was in good spirits tonight at Live Band Karaoke in New Braunfels! Heather played drums while I was on the keys, and Pancho Garza made his guitar sing. It was a good night with lots of good singers!
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Moonshine & Ale 10/31/22
Happy Halloween! Heather and I went to New Braunfels as pirates tonight to take requests from the crowd. There were so many great costumes that it was like a show for us from the stage. Colonel Sanders tipped me with a piece of chicken. My wife showed up tonight and sat with our buddy Chris Wallis. It was fun being able to be with so many happy friends and fans this evening! The evening ended with the annual costume contest with around 30 entrants!
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