Saturday, January 31, 2009
Howl At The Moon 1/30/09
Brian, Bill and I once again rocked Howl. I more or less blew my voice out by over use. As a side note, my camera stopped working on the way to the club, so I took a couple of odd shots with my camera-phone. Funky Brian shines bright on my phone.

Friday, January 30, 2009
Zydeco's 1/29/09
Of course, it's always a treat to perform at Zydeco's, but Mooresville doesn't know just how special that place is. It should be packed every day they are open, but a little snow keeps people away. We finished fairly early because the people scattered at dusk. Hmmm. At least Bill was happy!
Bob & Tom 1/29/09
Duke Tumatoe, Mark Rohrman and I were snowed out on our usual Wednesday morning time slot, so we made it in Thursday instead. My wife carpooled with me because we could only get our truck out of our driveway. She took the coo; pics of us in the studio.
Mark Rohrman had a great Bass Talk joke:
Two women were talking one afternoon, and one said to the other, "I got so drunk last night, I went home with a strange man. I don't know anything about him, but after we made love, I figured out he was a bass player."
Her friend asked, "How could you tell he was a bass player just by making love to him?"
"Well," she replied, "He got started late, he kept slowing down, he lost his place a couple of times, and when he finished, he left through the kitchen."

Mark Rohrman had a great Bass Talk joke:
Two women were talking one afternoon, and one said to the other, "I got so drunk last night, I went home with a strange man. I don't know anything about him, but after we made love, I figured out he was a bass player."
Her friend asked, "How could you tell he was a bass player just by making love to him?"
"Well," she replied, "He got started late, he kept slowing down, he lost his place a couple of times, and when he finished, he left through the kitchen."
Static Shack 1/29/09
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mr. Mouse 1/23/09
After the recording session this afternoon, we headed up to Yorktown, IN, near Muncie. It was bitterly cold as we carried our gear into the packed house. People were waiting for us to begin for a couple of hours before start time. Every seat was taken. We ran through all of Dukes stuff to an energetic crowd. Bill and Duke, with a little help from Charlie Noble from Red Key, polished off a bottle of Crown. Everyone was feeling great about the show and the recording session earlier in the day.
We packed up our gear and got on the road by 1:30am. Duke left before we did, but we caught up to him pretty fast. Then, out of nowhere, an officer pulled in between my truck and Duke's car. We gave him some space, and a minute later, he had Duke pulled over. Not the best ending for what would have been a good day.

We packed up our gear and got on the road by 1:30am. Duke left before we did, but we caught up to him pretty fast. Then, out of nowhere, an officer pulled in between my truck and Duke's car. We gave him some space, and a minute later, he had Duke pulled over. Not the best ending for what would have been a good day.
Static Shack 1/23/09
Duke had us meet him in the studio today to record the beginning of a new CD. We recorded the rhythm beds for a new song called, "Fire and Ice". Cool tune, lots of neat ideas. I can hardly wait for the next session.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Zydeco's 1/22/09
We played to just a few lonely tables, but had a great time in Mooresville, IN. Bill and I played a bunch of unusual requests due to the fact that we were having fun with just a small crowd. We also met the manager of Dunken Donuts of Avon, and she gave us a free coffee/donut card. Cool...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Howl At The Moon 1/21/09
I filled in at Howl At The Moon in downtown Indy tonight as a dueling pianist. It was very slow, but the few we had were having fun. Not many requests, so it became a night of whims of the piano players. Fun!
Bob & Tom 1/21/09
We played the NFL song this morning, and then did a special version of the song, "Nothing Good Rhymes With Dungy", about the exiting coach of the Indianapolis Colts. It was a little odd because Tom had a part in the song that "fell a little flat" according to Duke.
Mark Rohrman swooped in and saved the day with his Bass Talk story:
This bass player had fallen on hard time and couldn't find a gig, so he took a job at a funeral home, helping the funeral director prepare bodies. One day, as they were preparing a body, a man by the name of Stanley Smith, they pulled back the sheet to discover that Stanley had the largest "member" they had ever seen. The bass player suggested that they should cut it off and save it in a jar of formaldehyde for prosperity. The director agreed, and they did just that.
That night, the bass player decided he had to take the jar home to show his wife. He took it into his house, set it on the table, and called his wife in from the other room. As she turned the corner and caught a glimpse of the jar on the table, she screamed and said;
"Stanley Smith is dead?!?"
Mark Rohrman swooped in and saved the day with his Bass Talk story:
This bass player had fallen on hard time and couldn't find a gig, so he took a job at a funeral home, helping the funeral director prepare bodies. One day, as they were preparing a body, a man by the name of Stanley Smith, they pulled back the sheet to discover that Stanley had the largest "member" they had ever seen. The bass player suggested that they should cut it off and save it in a jar of formaldehyde for prosperity. The director agreed, and they did just that.
That night, the bass player decided he had to take the jar home to show his wife. He took it into his house, set it on the table, and called his wife in from the other room. As she turned the corner and caught a glimpse of the jar on the table, she screamed and said;
"Stanley Smith is dead?!?"
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Zydeco's 1/17/09
Zydeco's celebrated their 10th anniversary tonight, and Bill & I performed to a packed house. We started at 7pm and didn't end until 1am. The crowd was insane! When we started, the group of people waiting totally blocked our view of the crowd for the first hour. It was like we were playing behind an audience. Chris Wolf came up and performed a few of his originals with Bill and I toward the end of the night. The best part of it being that crowded for me was the fact that since all of the tables were full, my wife had to sit on my piano bench with me for most of the night!

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Conseco Field House 1/16/09
DHG opened for a Pacers game in downtown Indy tonight. We had a blast! Karl Liechty rocked the sax, while Brian Yarde and Bill Ritter held the groove down. We made a bunch of new friends, and Boomer danced for us. They even gave us nifty new T-shirts!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Zydeco's 1/15/09
I've been pretty sick for the past few days, so I thought tonight might be a little brutal, but a couple of dayquil's later, I was singing and playing like there was no tomorrow. We made quite a splash with the few who braved the bitter -14F night to see us and eat some good cooking. By 10:00pm, though, I was home and ready to crash for the night. Of course, I didn't fall asleep until 4:45am...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Bob & Tom 1/14/09
Before Mark Rohrman, Duke Tumatoe and I arrived at the NAPA Studios, they had a guest comedian on by the name of Brett Eastburn, who happens to have no arms or legs. Of course, Mark Rohrman's Bass Talk joke involved just that very topic.
Bass Talk:
A woman has been looking for a man for sometime with no luck. Her friend suggests she put an ad in the classifieds to find her soul mate. She decides to do it, and was very specific in her ad. It read: "Looking for a man who won't abuse me, or run out on me. My soul mate must also be a great lover."
A couple of days later, her doorbell rings. She opened the door and found down on her welcome mat was a man with no arms and no legs.
He spoke up, "I'm here about your ad in the paper."
She was puzzled and said, "You know, I asked for some pretty specific things in my ad."
He said, "Well, you wanted a man who won't abuse you, and I have no arms to hit you with. You also wanted a man who wouldn't run out on you, and since I have no legs, I obviously won't do that either."
She said, "Yes, but I also asked for a great lover."
The man looked at her and said, "Lady, how do you think I rang the doorbell?"
Bass Talk:
A woman has been looking for a man for sometime with no luck. Her friend suggests she put an ad in the classifieds to find her soul mate. She decides to do it, and was very specific in her ad. It read: "Looking for a man who won't abuse me, or run out on me. My soul mate must also be a great lover."
A couple of days later, her doorbell rings. She opened the door and found down on her welcome mat was a man with no arms and no legs.
He spoke up, "I'm here about your ad in the paper."
She was puzzled and said, "You know, I asked for some pretty specific things in my ad."
He said, "Well, you wanted a man who won't abuse you, and I have no arms to hit you with. You also wanted a man who wouldn't run out on you, and since I have no legs, I obviously won't do that either."
She said, "Yes, but I also asked for a great lover."
The man looked at her and said, "Lady, how do you think I rang the doorbell?"
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Zydeco's 1/12/09
Zydeco's did a photo shoot for a food magazine this morning, and invited Bill Ritter and I to join with Mojo Gumbo for band shots. I had a chance to view some of them, and they came out very cool!! When I get a copy, I'll post a shot or two.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Howl At The Moon 1/9/09
Friday, January 9, 2009
Zydeco's 1/8/09
Bill Ritter and I played at Zydeco's tonight to one of the most appreciative audiences in a long time. We also had a chance to catch up with a fellow musician, Chris Wolf, about his new material. We may work with Chris on his new CD.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Jazz Kitchen 1/7/09
Tish Lyndsey hired Bill Ritter (bass), Danny Sheets (drums), Joey Baugh (guitar) and myself (piano) to be her backing group for an hour performance at the Kitchen in Broad Ripple, IN. We ran though her cool originals and a couple of her favorite cover tunes to a packed house. Thanks to everyone for coming!
Bob & Tom 1/7/09
Bill Ritter made his debut on Bob and Tom this morning. Mark Rohrman was out of town on vacation, so Bill played "Lord, Help Our Colts" and "The NFL Song" with Duke and myself. He even had a great Bass Talk joke! Good job, Bill!
Bass Talk:
A bass player found a $500 pair of fine Italian shoes. He saved his gig money for six months, then headed to the store and bought them. At his next gig, he wore his new shoes. They were very polished, so much so that he could see his reflection in them.
During his first break, an attractive woman came up to him to compliment his bass playing skills. He stopped her before she spoke and said, "Excuse me are you wearing blue panties?" Shocked, the woman said, "Yes, I am, but how'd you know?" The bass player responded, "Because I could see the reflection of them in my new $500 pair of fine Italian shoes." Disgusted, the woman walked away.
The bass player played his second set, and on his second break, a shockingly attractive woman came up to complement his musicianship. He stopped her before she spoke and said, "Excuse me are you wearing red panties?" Amused, the woman said, "Yes, I am, but how'd you know?" The bass player responded, "Because I could see the reflection of them in my new $500 pair of fine Italian shoes." This woman gave him her phone number, and walked away.
The bass player then played his final set, and after the show, a the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen came up to stroke his ego. He stopped her before she spoke and began to cry. The woman asked, "Are you alright?" At which the bass player choked, "Please tell me you are not wearing any panties..." Confused, the woman said, "Why, no I'm not."
The bass player responded, "Thank goodness! I thought I had a crack in my new $500 pair of fine Italian shoes."
Bass Talk:
A bass player found a $500 pair of fine Italian shoes. He saved his gig money for six months, then headed to the store and bought them. At his next gig, he wore his new shoes. They were very polished, so much so that he could see his reflection in them.
During his first break, an attractive woman came up to him to compliment his bass playing skills. He stopped her before she spoke and said, "Excuse me are you wearing blue panties?" Shocked, the woman said, "Yes, I am, but how'd you know?" The bass player responded, "Because I could see the reflection of them in my new $500 pair of fine Italian shoes." Disgusted, the woman walked away.
The bass player played his second set, and on his second break, a shockingly attractive woman came up to complement his musicianship. He stopped her before she spoke and said, "Excuse me are you wearing red panties?" Amused, the woman said, "Yes, I am, but how'd you know?" The bass player responded, "Because I could see the reflection of them in my new $500 pair of fine Italian shoes." This woman gave him her phone number, and walked away.
The bass player then played his final set, and after the show, a the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen came up to stroke his ego. He stopped her before she spoke and began to cry. The woman asked, "Are you alright?" At which the bass player choked, "Please tell me you are not wearing any panties..." Confused, the woman said, "Why, no I'm not."
The bass player responded, "Thank goodness! I thought I had a crack in my new $500 pair of fine Italian shoes."
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Indiana Live Casino 1/5/09 & 1/6/09
Monday and Tuesday, DHG filled in at the casino in Shelbyville, IN. They had a last minute cancellation (due to illness), so Brian Yarde, Bill Ritter and I played our brand of New Orleans blues for a couple nights. The folks at LIVE are always so kind to us when we perform there! We will be back in Feb for an event.

Monday, January 5, 2009
Zydeco's 1/4/09
Brunch was great! We made several new fans, and had some excellent food. Bill Ritter and I were asked to perform at a couple of parties coming up this spring. All in all, a very fun and productive morning! Thanks to my wife for some more great pictures...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Gilly's 1/3/09
Dayton, OH has a cool blues/jazz club inside a bus station. I know, it sounds odd. The club was full of a bunch of Duke Tumatoe fans. We played everything except "More Love, More Money", which of course, was exactly what they requested over and over. One woman wanted to hear it so bad, she thought showing us more of herself would help. Of course, it didn't.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Howl At The Moon 1/2/09
Brian Yarde and Bill Ritter helped me keep the crowd interested in us for two full hours of tunes tonight. The crowd was small, but mighty, and we all had a great time. Nothing bad happened. I really should hire some side show performers to make this blog more interesting.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Zydeco's 1/1/09
Our first gig of 2009 found us in the familiar setting of Zydeco's in downtown Mooresville, Indiana. Bill Ritter and I pushed through dozens of songs, originals & covers, to the delight of the crowd. Bill's parents were there celebrating their 54th wedding anniversary! Congrats to them, and we hope you have another great 54...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hyatt 12/31/08
Happy New Year!!! Dan Holmes Group once again backed up the world famous Dr. Duke Tumatoe, this time in downtown Indianapolis. We rocked in the new year with other great acts, such as Healing Sixes, Henry Lee Summer, The Why Store and a few others. This has been a great year for us, and it's all thanks to the fans. We really appreciate your support!
As a side note, this blog entry marks one full year of me blogging about DHG. I'm amazed...

As a side note, this blog entry marks one full year of me blogging about DHG. I'm amazed...
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