We packed up our gear and got on the road by 1:30am. Duke left before we did, but we caught up to him pretty fast. Then, out of nowhere, an officer pulled in between my truck and Duke's car. We gave him some space, and a minute later, he had Duke pulled over. Not the best ending for what would have been a good day.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mr. Mouse 1/23/09
After the recording session this afternoon, we headed up to Yorktown, IN, near Muncie. It was bitterly cold as we carried our gear into the packed house. People were waiting for us to begin for a couple of hours before start time. Every seat was taken. We ran through all of Dukes stuff to an energetic crowd. Bill and Duke, with a little help from Charlie Noble from Red Key, polished off a bottle of Crown. Everyone was feeling great about the show and the recording session earlier in the day.
We packed up our gear and got on the road by 1:30am. Duke left before we did, but we caught up to him pretty fast. Then, out of nowhere, an officer pulled in between my truck and Duke's car. We gave him some space, and a minute later, he had Duke pulled over. Not the best ending for what would have been a good day.

We packed up our gear and got on the road by 1:30am. Duke left before we did, but we caught up to him pretty fast. Then, out of nowhere, an officer pulled in between my truck and Duke's car. We gave him some space, and a minute later, he had Duke pulled over. Not the best ending for what would have been a good day.