Thursday, August 5, 2010
Speedway United Methodist Church Childcare 8/4/10
Jake Hahn and I have been giving guitar/harmonica lessons at the daycare all summer, and tonight was the big performance! I brought DHG in to play some instrumental versions of country western songs, and we all put on our best shirts and hats (except Joe) to perform for the kids. What was the only down side of the night, you ask? It has been one of the hottest summers I can remember, and today was no exception. Upper 90s, with a heat index of over 100, which would have been fine, but the air conditioner broke the day of the performance. Of course, the heat problem couldn't have been any worst, due to the church holding a max-capacity crowd, kids dancing and jumping, lots of people singing, and we were all wearing cowboy hats. Except Joe.