Monday, September 6, 2010
Linton Music Fest 9/5/10
The second gig of the day found us in Linton, IN, performing with Duke Tumatoe. This was a great show! Tons of bands from all over were there for a few days of music. When we arrived, I saw one of my old friends, Doug Henthorn, on stage with his band, Healing Sixes. They tore it up and ended their set with "I Am The Walrus". Very cool. As soon as they finished, Dane Clark and Johnny G. were taking the adjacent stage to perform while we set up. I was pretty sleepy by the time we went on, but the crowd energized me enough to make it through our set. We played "Kid Stuff", "The Hunter", "Get Loose", "Only Love You", "What I'd Like To Do", "Love To Play The Blues", and "Standing On Shaky Ground". After the show, we packed up and drove an hour-and-forty-five back home, arriving at 9:45 to get some sleep!