Joe Resnick played drums tonight in Marble Falls, TX, as I took requests from the crowd. The show went fine, and we made several new fans. My night's excitement started after the show ended, though. After I packed up and got on the road, I began my hour-and-fifteen minute commute back home when at about the halfway mark, I saw the red and blue of police lights behind me. I've learned long ago that when you commute at 2am, even if you are driving within all laws, sometimes you will be pulled over, probably just as a drunk-check. The officer was very professional and said I didn't slow from 55 to 45 quickly enough, and let me go with a warning. After pulling away and getting back on my journey home, I missed hitting a rooster, then a skunk, then a deer, passed a llama, missed a raccoon, and finally ran over a fox. I felt so bad as I saw it in my mirror being flung into the woods. What a hard drive home.
Friday, May 25, 2012
AJ's Ale House MF 5/24/12
Joe Resnick played drums tonight in Marble Falls, TX, as I took requests from the crowd. The show went fine, and we made several new fans. My night's excitement started after the show ended, though. After I packed up and got on the road, I began my hour-and-fifteen minute commute back home when at about the halfway mark, I saw the red and blue of police lights behind me. I've learned long ago that when you commute at 2am, even if you are driving within all laws, sometimes you will be pulled over, probably just as a drunk-check. The officer was very professional and said I didn't slow from 55 to 45 quickly enough, and let me go with a warning. After pulling away and getting back on my journey home, I missed hitting a rooster, then a skunk, then a deer, passed a llama, missed a raccoon, and finally ran over a fox. I felt so bad as I saw it in my mirror being flung into the woods. What a hard drive home.