This afternoon, I played in Austin, TX for a South By Southwest show with The Hill Country Gentlemen. It went great! The Gents were playing well to a huge afternoon crowd on a comfortably cool Saturday. We released the debut of our single, "You Missed Your Train" at the show, and people were lining up to purchase some merch after our set. I would like to thank Lone Star Music Magazine for including us at today's event, and my wife, Christine Barton-Holmes for taking some great photos. See you at the next show!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
SXSW St. Vincent de Paul 3/16/13
This afternoon, I played in Austin, TX for a South By Southwest show with The Hill Country Gentlemen. It went great! The Gents were playing well to a huge afternoon crowd on a comfortably cool Saturday. We released the debut of our single, "You Missed Your Train" at the show, and people were lining up to purchase some merch after our set. I would like to thank Lone Star Music Magazine for including us at today's event, and my wife, Christine Barton-Holmes for taking some great photos. See you at the next show!