I did an impromptu solo Beatles Brunch live stream today on Facebook. I'm still testing the waters to see what works best for live streaming. I gotta say, it's fun interacting with everyone during the show. I figured out a way to show my hands with a second camera, and I'm getting more comfortable with the program I'm using to stream with (called OBS). It's really great to go into another room of my house during lockdown and still be able to perform and interact with friends and family. I played about two hours of Beatles tunes today, and maybe I should do it again sometime.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Live Stream 3/27/20
We attempted our first multi-camera live stream tonight on Facebook with great success! Heather is so much fun to work with, and we made each other laugh live online for over three hours while playing requests. We had lots of support from fans, and lots of encouragement to continue to live stream regularly. Still trying to get the hang of no audience I can see, but there's definitely and audience watching!
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Colin and Kelly’s Anniversary 3/21/20
Colin said that the only way he could secure us was for a wedding or a pandemic. Since I played their wedding 3 years ago, they really wanted me to come back, and I’m glad I was able to. Heather and I had all of our upcoming shows cancelled, but it worked out to be able to play a house party for their anniversary. There were 8 of us there, but we played like there were 800. Happy 3rd anniversary to Colin and Kelly!
Friday, March 20, 2020
Moonshine & Ale 3/19/20
I played keys at Live Band Karaoke in New Braunfels, TX, tonight. This was my last scheduled show before everything shuts down for however many weeks it takes to get through the pandemic. Jay and Pancho rounded out the band tonight, and it was good to see them before isolating ourselves begins. I’ll be working from home, doing recordings for anyone who would like to hear a song. Heather will be joining me regularly to record, so reach out via Facebook and request a somg!
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Live Stream with Ed Diaz 3/18/20
Heather and I performed on YouTube live from Ed Diaz’s home to his thousands of followers tonight! We took requests and played a two-hour show for everyone. I can’t overstate how honored and thankful Heather and I are to be asked to broadcast from Ed’s place. As everyone looks forward in the next few months, remember all the musicians, service industry workers, and people like us who have lost their income completely overnight. Ed is doing a great service by keeping music alive the best he can. Here is a link to the performance:
Heather and I will be sending out individual song request video until things get back to normal. We spent much of the day and night preparing a bunch of tunes people have asked for. If you’d like a tune, Venmo $30 to @AllRequestPiano and we’ll upload it to Facebook and/or YouTube and send it to you!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Moonshine & Ale 3/17/20
Heather and I performed in New Braunfels for St Patrick’s Day tonight. The crew at Moonshine & Ale is always great, and Chelsey made us shirts to wear! Thanks to the bar staff for always being so great to us. I’m not gonna sugar coat it; tonight was weird. The streets were empty and the people in the club were all far away from each other. I think everyone had a good time, and I’m glad we could bring some happiness into a few people’s lives. Heather makes me happy every time we perform together, and I’m sure we will emerge triumphant from these troubled times. We have several on-line opportunities currently in the works, so be on the lookout!
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Moonshine & Ale 3/14/20
My bestie Heather and I performed in New Braunfels tonight with the extraordinary drummer, Joe Resnick! We had a fantastic crowd! Everyone washed their hands properly, and we reminded them to do so throughout the night. Tons of singing and dancing while Heather and I cracked each other up. Joe told me he really enjoyed when I pulled the keytar out for “The Final Countdown” and Heather sang. My life is so much better with Heather in it! We click with no drama, and we both know we’re the funniest people in the room, at least that we care about.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Moonshine & Ale 3/12/20
Tonight was another fun-filled round of Live Band Karaoke in New Braunfels for me! I played keys with Pancho Garza on guitar and Jay Bleu (Wimberly? Russell?) on drums. Jay and Pancho sounded great, and we had a bunch of good singers. Tomorrow night, I’m playing in Austin, but I’ll be back at Moonshine & Ale with my partner Heather Ray on Saturday night!
Monday, March 9, 2020
Darwin’s Pub 3/8/20
I played in Austin, TX, on 6th street with John Duran tonight. We had some newlyweds and birthdays in the crowd, and we, of course, played bunches of requests. Some women came in who were celebrating one of their friends 50th birthday, and at the end of the night, wanted to know how old I was. They guessed somewhere in my 30s, maybe almost 40, which was flattering. I told them music keeps me young.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Corpus Christi Moonshine & Ale 3/7/20
Tonight was a good end to our long weekend in Corpus Christi. Early in the day, Christine, Heather and I explored the area and went to a few interesting shops.The three of us had a good time looking around at all of the random things we found, including derpy dinosaurs and derpy stuffed animals. We got to the club at 8 PM and watched a trainee named Sarah perform for a half an hour before our show, then Heather and I took the stage. Heather never fails to impress me, and tonight was no different. The two of us had so many strange requests and we played a bunch of them! By the time Juan (drums) showed up at 10 PM, we had already played so many songs that our heads were spinning. At one point, we had a request for “Mr. Roboto” by Styx, a song which neither one of us had ever played. I jumped on drums, and Heather did an amazing job performing that song to the crowd! I’m so happy to have such a powerful musician as a partner!
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Corpus Christi Moonshine & Ale 3/6/20
Requests were flowing all night long in Corpus Christi tonight. The always impressive Heather Ray swapped between drums and piano with me at the start of the night (and Greg Galindo took over drum duties later in the evening). The most fun I have is with Heather on stage, mostly because she gets where I’m coming from, and where the show is headed. I’m super-lucky to have found a great friend who is also an amazing entertainer. After the show, we headed back to the hotel and played a random card game with my wife, Christine, until about 4:30a, which is awesome to think that not only can I share a stage with Heather for hours on end, but then we can just hang out afterwards and have a bunch of fun. I feel so fortunate to have both of these women in my life! Heather and I will be back tomorrow night for another round of requests! Namaste.

Friday, March 6, 2020
Corpus Christi Moonshine & Ale 3/5/20
Heather Ray and I teamed up in Corpus Christi tonight for Live Band Karaoke (with guitarist Greg Galindo). We played a bunch of tunes and had some singers who were sort of shy at first, but they really went for it when they realized they were in good musical hands. Also, we had a piano player sit in with us named Sarah who is interested in performing at the club sometime. I’m glad to be back on stage with Heather all weekend! Yay!
Side note: Someone tried to buy Heather’s shoes off of her feet on our way to the car. Weird.

Sunday, March 1, 2020
Moonshine & Ale 2/29/20
New Braunfels had a bunch of people out running around tonight! Dave Lovett and Joe Resnick helped me entertain the crowd, with a little help here and there from special guest bassist Bill Ritter. We didn’t play “Whiter Shade Of Pale”, but we did play almost everything else. I’m sure by the time you’re done reading this, I’ll have over 9 million followers on my Instagram page because of the great pics my wife took at the show tonight. Happy leap day everyone!
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