Requests were flowing all night long in Corpus Christi tonight. The always impressive Heather Ray swapped between drums and piano with me at the start of the night (and Greg Galindo took over drum duties later in the evening). The most fun I have is with Heather on stage, mostly because she gets where I’m coming from, and where the show is headed. I’m super-lucky to have found a great friend who is also an amazing entertainer. After the show, we headed back to the hotel and played a random card game with my wife, Christine, until about 4:30a, which is awesome to think that not only can I share a stage with Heather for hours on end, but then we can just hang out afterwards and have a bunch of fun. I feel so fortunate to have both of these women in my life! Heather and I will be back tomorrow night for another round of requests! Namaste.