After the show, Duke showed off the pipe-wrench-cricket-sculpture thing (which was given to him at the farmer's market in Topeka) to Joe. Joe was frightened.
Monday, May 10, 2010
B.L.U.E.S. 5/9/10
The small stage in Chicago welcomed us back for our Mother's Day show. We had a couple of technical difficulties due to power issues, I think. First, Bill's amp cut out completely in the middle of a song. I covered the bass line while he got his rig back up-and-running. Then, during on of my solos, my amp turn off and on three or four times by itself. Besides those couple of issues, we were all a bit slap happy from the long weekend of driving, which made us all stretch out musically a bit more than usual.

After the show, Duke showed off the pipe-wrench-cricket-sculpture thing (which was given to him at the farmer's market in Topeka) to Joe. Joe was frightened.

After the show, Duke showed off the pipe-wrench-cricket-sculpture thing (which was given to him at the farmer's market in Topeka) to Joe. Joe was frightened.