Sunday, May 16, 2010
Indiana Live Casino 5/15/10
I was extremely sore today as I drove to the casino in Shelbyville. Yesterday, I mowed my yard (which nature had all but reclaimed as it's own preserve), sold and moved some equipment on Craigslist, helped bassist Bill Ritter pick up an upright piano in my trailer, then we moved said piano up a few stairs into his house, headed home for a quick shower, played at Howl with my band, then drove to Shelbyville to duel until about 1am. So today, I could barely move. By the time the show started, I had enough energy to get going, and then, I must say, I fed off of the crowd's energy until 2am. The bar was packed out most all evening, and an old fan came out and took some pictures for me. Now its time for a lazy Sunday.