Monday, July 26, 2010
Hullabalou 7/24/10
We opened the second day of the Louisville, KY festival with some heat! 100 degrees of Duke Tumatoe got the crowd moving, while Christine Barton-Holmes captured the whole thing in awesome photographs. Back line was provided, meaning the keys & amp, drums, and bass rig were already set up on stage, which was great on one hand. We didn't have to bring our gear. But on the other hand, it made things feel different than normal because we weren't used to the gear. Joe sounded great on the provided drums. Bill had a thunderous amount of low end, which on stage made it hard to hear the attack of his notes. The keys had a different feel than what I was used to, but all-in-all, a great show. Lots of great acts played after us, and I'm honored we were able to perform at a festival with such a diverse line up, such as Michael McDonald, Ben Folds, Kenny Chesney, Al Green, WAR, Steppenwolf, and so many others! I look forward to next year!