Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bob & Tom 10/8/08

Bob and Tom laughed as Duke sang about male drill teams in short shorts during the half-time of the superbowl. Then we came to bass talk with Mark Rohrman:

"A bass player walks into a bar with a turtle under his arm. The bartender can see that the turtle had a black eye, a broken and bandaged foot, and it's shell was shattered, only being held together with duct tape. The bartender says, 'Say, your turtle's in bad shape.' The bass player replies, 'Oh yeah? Well, I bet he's still faster than your dog!' The bartender laughed as he went outside to get his dog. When he came back inside, the bass player, the dog, and the turtle stood at one end of the bar and the bartender walked way down to the other end. The bass player said, 'On the count of three, call your dog. 1, 2, 3...' The bartender called his dog as the bass player reached down, picked up his turtle, and hurled it across the room, just barely missing the bartender and smashing into the wall behind him, at which point, the bass player yelled,

'I WIN!"