Monday, April 20, 2020

Outdoor Live Stream 4/20/20

I got a wild hair and decided to do a remote live stream from a nearby nature preserve today. My phone wasn't doing the best job of finding a signal, but it went well. I had people stop a trail behind me to listen every once in a while. One lady asked if she could take my picture, and I said yes. After I was done and loaded out, I checked Facebook to find that she posted the picture with the very kind message, "Right when I thought I lost all faith in humanity, I came across this guy along my daily hike and the timing couldn’t be more perfect." Underneath her post were lots of complimentary comments which reminded me of why I shouldn't worry about things too much. I went out there worried about playing in a public space, worried about if anyone would watch on Facebook, worried about if my gear would function properly, worried about my future as a performer, then one random encounter snapped me back to the real reason I do what I do; joy.