Sunday, February 12, 2023

Silverton Downtown Community & Agricultural Center 2/11/23

Our show tonight was in Silverton, Texas. We played a fundraising event for their new agricultural center, where we were representing NY/NY Dueling Pianos. They had a silent auction, as well as a live auction, and we were the entertainment for the evening. Heather and I laughed through the whole show while playing a vast array of songs from the crowd. Lots of dancing and good times were had, and we really enjoyed the night. They were having so much fun, they even had us play an extra half an hour! We loaded out, and I got on the road about midnight to begin my 7-hour drive home, and I barely made it a half an hour, when a deer jumped out in front of my truck!  I’m fine, and my truck is drivable, but I’ll have to get this taken care of soon.