Saturday, March 11, 2023

Muck & Fuss 3/11/23

DanHolmesGroup took the stage in New Braunfels, TX, this afternoon from 1p-4p! It was warm, and Chris Wallis and I made it even hotter by playing some of the funkiest, grooviest, and fun-loving music we could. The crowd dug our vibe, and it was great! My wife, Christine, came out and took some really great pictures of us. I’m so happy whenever I get a chance to perform my original music, plus whatever random whim we’re feeling. A couple odd ball tunes out of nowhere today were “Taxman” by The Beatles which Chris called out for us to play, even though we had never played it together before, and when I fired back a second-line, groovy New Orleans version of “Just Like Heaven” by The Cure. Think Dr. John meets Robert Smith. You just never know what we might pull out of thin air!