Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Darwin’s Pub 9/4/23

Some days we get to have fun all day! Heather and I had a little downtime this afternoon, so we had time to take Christine and Chris to Schlitterbahn. I captured my new favorite picture of Chris Wallis while we were tubing. As we were leaving, we ran into the ball of joy known as Miranda, who is a friend of the band and used to be a server at Moonshine & Ale in New Braunfels. We finished up at the park and picked up some BBQ on the way back home. We ate, got cleaned up, and headed to 6th Street in Austin for our show. When we arrived, downtown was empty, which was a surprise. The owner, CJ, said he was going to close up early, but still wanted us to perform some. As we got set up, CJ introduced me to the lead guitarist for the band “Black Heart Saints”, Mark Sean, and CJ asked if he could sit in. We played a couple tunes together to kick off our show, which was fun! He sounded great, and his group sent up some fun requests. As we were about to end after about an hour of playing, fellow piano player and friend Michael Carrandi popped in and stayed to chat with us after the show. It was great to catch up with him. This was a perfect, low-key way to end a fairly exhausting week of shows!