Monday, November 27, 2023

Luna Gardens 11/26/23

It’s my birthday today, and I got to perform with a bunch of talented artists! Now that’s a great present! Centex Productions by friend and guitarist Kevin Humphrey produced this tribute show to “The Band: The Last Waltz” in Lockhart, TX. There were about 15 vocalist, plus the five of us in the band. I played piano, Kevin was on guitar, David Beck was on bass, Dees Stribling was on drums, and Peter Huysman was on organ. The list of singers (and I apologize if I miss someone) included Dustin Welch, Leary Kelly, Travis Knight, Colton Cerny, HalleyAnna Finley, Jackie O, Michael Milligan, Grant Ewing, Tom Pyle, Mandy Rowden, Samantha, Johnny Walker, Electric Gold, and Steve Collins. My sweet wife Christine woke me up this morning with breakfast, and gave me some gifts, then came to the show and took tons of great photos of the event! The band sounded fantastic, and it was a treat and an honor to play with that huge amount of talent who graced the stage. Also, a big thanks to Kevin Humphrey for brining a delicious birthday cake to the show for everyone!