Sunday, May 5, 2024

Old Kress Live 5/4/24

May the Fourth be with you! After wishing Heather a happy anniversary with Chance, we spent the day at the Padre Island Seashore. It was great just getting a chance to swim and hang out for a while. We watched the birds give piggy back rides to each other, and at one point, a dinner-sized crab came up right next to where Heather was sitting! We left to get ready for our show, but we stopped at a toy shop on the way to our AirB&B. We headed to the gig, and about 5 blocks from the club, all the streets were shut down. Heather jumped out and ran to the club, while I tried to get around it. Turns out there was a huge parade happening, and I was on the wrong side of it. I parked and got on a scooter, and It took me nearly 45 minutes to make it those 5 blocks. We launched into our show right on time and had some great requests. Due to the parade, it wasn’t too busy until our last hour, and then it packed out. We met a few new people, and had a great night.