Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Beltonian Theatre 6/22/24

We had a fantastic time in Belton, TX, tonight! Our day started off in Hillsboro where we stayed over from our Oklahoma gig last night. We had some Braum’s for lunch before heading to Temple and roam around the mall for a bit, and then we finally landed in Belton for our show. It was a sold-out show with about three-quarters new people seeing us for the first time. We both really enjoy the theater and the staff, and the crowd never fails to give us endless fun requests. Someone in the crowd early on shouted “Are you two married?!?” which we both agreed we might as well be for the amount of time we spend together, but no. We each have spouses that we explained all love hanging out with each other and have fun. We played some of most genres and eras tonight. The crowd jumped in at all the appropriate spots, and they even helped us send a special video to a fan who couldn’t be there due to their daughter’s upcoming heart surgery Monday. We love our fans, and we talked with quite a few of them before and after the show, and they made us feel loved! Just before we took the stage, we walked over to an antique shop across the street from the theater where I found a cool jacket which I wore at the show, and Heather found a sweater with mushrooms all over it. When we got back to San Marcos after the show, our spouses were there waiting for us to get home, and we also found out my wife bought mushroom covered overalls as Heather was buying her sweater. Chance and I stood back and laughed. This is why we all get along.