Friday, January 30, 2009

Bob & Tom 1/29/09

Behind Dean
Originally uploaded by Dan Holmes Group
Duke Tumatoe, Mark Rohrman and I were snowed out on our usual Wednesday morning time slot, so we made it in Thursday instead. My wife carpooled with me because we could only get our truck out of our driveway. She took the coo; pics of us in the studio.

Mark Rohrman had a great Bass Talk joke:
Two women were talking one afternoon, and one said to the other, "I got so drunk last night, I went home with a strange man. I don't know anything about him, but after we made love, I figured out he was a bass player."
Her friend asked, "How could you tell he was a bass player just by making love to him?"
"Well," she replied, "He got started late, he kept slowing down, he lost his place a couple of times, and when he finished, he left through the kitchen."
On The Air-1