Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Static Shack 8/26/24

While visiting my parents in Indianapolis, I was able to record some keys on a couple of new songs for my friend Duke Tumatoe. We met at the Static Shack where engineer Alan Johnson had everything sounding great before I got there, and he played the tracks Duke, Bill Ritter and Dawson Ouellette had previously laid down for me to listen to. After a few passes, we got some good takes, and I’m excited to hear the final versions. Both are cool blues tunes, (“You Know I Love You” & “When The Door Closes”), and I dig the way they are coming together. I had a bunch of fun catching up with the fellas and swapping some stories from over the past few years. I do miss performing with this group regularly! It was my first time meeting Dawson who is now Duke’s drummer. After the session, he joined Bill and I for a burger at Steak ‘n Shake, where we swapped some road stories. It was a good time!